

Open-source customer engagement suite, alternative to Intercom

Chatwoot is an open-source omnichannel customer engagement suite built as an alternative to Intercom, Zendesk etc. Chatwoot helps you to connect email, website live chat, social media handles, WhatsApp etc. and manage all your customer interactions from one place.

Team Size:8
Location:San Francisco

Active Founders

Pranav Raj Sreepuram

CEO, Chatwoot

Pranav Raj Sreepuram
Pranav Raj Sreepuram

Sojan Jose

CTO, Chatwoot | Co-founder Marketfox ( YC W17)

Sojan Jose
Sojan Jose

Selected answers from Chatwoot's original YC application for the W21 Batch

Describe what your company does in 50 characters or less.

Open source business chat, alternative to Intercom

What is your company going to make? Please describe your product and what it does or will do.

We are building an open source business chat solution. Chatwoot helps businesses to capture customer interactions from multiple sources, analyze them and provide delightful customer support experience. Alongside we provide the businesses full control over their data, the option to have the system installed on-premise and have complete transparency over how the system functions.