Hippo Scribe

Hippo Scribe

AI assisted documentation for PT/OT/SLP

Burdensome documentation is the #2 reason causing burnout for physical therapists. More than half of all physical therapists have to write documentation in their free time without pay. up to 2 hours a day. Our AI Scribe listens, generate first draft of clinical documentation in minutes, and sync reviewed documentation to EMR in 2 seconds. With us, clinicians can finish documentation 70% faster and become happier.

Hippo Scribe
Team Size:2
Group Partner:Jared Friedman

Active Founders

Yansen Zhou

Software engineer building in healthcare

Yansen Zhou
Yansen Zhou
Hippo Scribe

Company Launches

Hello world, I’m Yansen, son of clinicians and I’m building AI solutions to make documentation easier.

The Problem: Burdensome Documentation

We talked to more than 200 physical therapists, and learned that burdensome documentation is one of the top reasons for burnout. Many PTs see patients back to back in a 10 hour shift, and still have to spend 2 unpaid hours at home documenting each visit.

The Solution: AI Scribe

Hippo Scribe makes writing documentation painless by recording the patient visit/clinician dictation, generating the first draft, then syncs the documentation into EMR with one click.

The Result: Happy Clinicians

warning: using Hippo Scribe may cause extreme happiness


  • Know a clinician who hates doing notes? Share Hippo Scribe
  • You are a clinician and want to see a demo? Book here