
next-gen software stack for running a hotel

Making running a hotel as easy as possible. Building an all-in-one software suit with AI pricing + back office automations, AI employees (front desk/manager), online growth, and more

Jobs at innkeeper

BR / CL / MX / UY / AR / Remote (BR; CL; MX; UY; AR)
$45K - $90K
0.40% - 1.80%
3+ years
Team Size:3
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Tom Blomfield

Active Founders

Tejas Bhakta

Tejas was an AI Engineer at Tesla in Autopilot and Energy for 3 years. Before that he interned for SoC firmware for Autopilot Dojo/HW4, and for Autopilot AI Infra. Tejas majored in Electrical and Computer Engineering and is a hacker at heart. --- He lived in and grew up at the motel his parents owned for 18 years, and grew into creating all their tech as a teen, including a website that generated $48,000 in yearly revenue when he was 16.

Tejas Bhakta
Tejas Bhakta