

Modern B2B Customer Support over Slack, Teams, Email, In-App

Pylon is a modern alternative to Zendesk. Pylon helps B2B companies manage their customers across the different places they talk to them - shared Slack channels, Microsoft Teams, email, in-app chat, Slack communities, and more. Hundreds of fast-growing YC companies of all sizes like Mintlify, Hightouch, and Deel use Pylon to track customer conversations across slack/teams/email/in-app/community, resolve customer issues quickly, and keep customers engaged. Pylon replaces tools like Zendesk/Intercom for modern companies. Learn more: https://www.usepylon.com ------- Examples of specific capabilities include: - Unify customer conversations across Slack, Microsoft Teams, In-App Chat, Email, and Community. - Triage open issues, set SLAs, prioritize questions based on customer tier or other CRM data, connect questions with engineering work in Linear/Jira/Github, and measure metrics like response time and resolution rate. - Broadcast product updates, upcoming events, or outages to 100s of channels at once and get live link click, reaction, and reply data.

Jobs at Pylon

San Francisco, CA, US
$120K - $200K
0.50% - 1.00%
1+ years
San Francisco, CA, US
$100K - $200K
Any (new grads ok)
Team Size:11
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Harj Taggar

Active Founders

Advith Chelikani


Advith Chelikani
Advith Chelikani

Marty Kausas

Building Pylon!!

Marty Kausas
Marty Kausas

Robert Eng

Robert Eng
Robert Eng

Company Photo

Company Photo