

Empathetic AI Voice bots with actions to scale your support & sales…

Infer.so automates voice conversations and carries out actions like any sales or customer support agent. It can be integrated with your dailer and CRM, to query information automatically and answer questions about your product or resolve a customer query in realtime. It can further carry out actions to send emails, sms or help customers with payment. Infer’s voice agents are personalised i.e. it has infinite memory so if a customer calls back for a follow up, it can continue the conversation from the point of drop off increasing efficiency and improving customer satisfaction.

Jobs at Infer

Remote (US)
$20K - $25K
0.01% - 0.50%
1+ years
Team Size:3
Location:San Mateo, CA
Group Partner:Michael Seibel

Active Founders

Urvin Soneta

Building the product that you all will probably use and hopefully love.

Urvin Soneta
Urvin Soneta

Suneel Matham

Alum of IIT Madras and Plaksha AI fellowship. Happy to talk about applications of deep learning and language models for retrieval.

Suneel Matham
Suneel Matham

Vaibhav Saxena

Designer and Engineer. Worked as an architect and moved to deep learning research. Building a second brain because I realized the limitations of the first one, pretty soon.

Vaibhav Saxena
Vaibhav Saxena