

Intelligent automation in Oncology Research and Care

Triomics provides AI solutions aligned with oncology to help cancer care providers process health record data at scale, match patients with trials, and curate data for research, registries, and precision medicine.

Jobs at Triomics

San Francisco, CA, US
$80K - $110K
1+ years
San Francisco, CA, US / Remote (US)
$350K - $450K
0.10% - 0.40%
3+ years
San Francisco, CA, US / Remote (New York, NY, US; Boston, MA, US; Atlanta, GA, US)
$90K - $145K
0.05% - 0.30%
3+ years
Team Size:50
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Jared Friedman

Active Founders

Sarim Khan

I am a chemical engineer with previous research experience in tissue engineering and neuroscience. The lack of vertical integration in the clinical trial space inspired me to work on Triomics.

Sarim Khan
Sarim Khan

Sajjan Rajpurohit

I am a Medical Oncologist with over 12 years of experience.

Sajjan Rajpurohit
Sajjan Rajpurohit

Hrituraj Singh

Before starting Triomics, I was a Researcher at Adobe Research, where I worked on language models and reinforcement learning problems. I now use the same technologies to interpret oncology patient charts.

Hrituraj Singh
Hrituraj Singh