Venu AI

Venu AI

Build your community with Venu AI

Build your community with Venu AI, the community building, B2B connections, and event marketing platform for enterprise.

Jobs at Venu AI

Remote (US)
Venu AI
Team Size:5
Location:San Jose, CA
Group Partner:Jared Friedman

Active Founders

Jeremy Lam

Automate community building and build self-sustaining top of funnel sales outbound using podcasts, webinars, meetups, and conferences.

Jeremy Lam
Jeremy Lam
Venu AI

Fanny Chen

Artist and designer for Venu.

Fanny Chen
Fanny Chen
Venu AI

Justin Chen

Software, Infrastructure engineer for Venu.

Justin Chen
Justin Chen
Venu AI

Nanette Jackson

Currently, I am the COO of Wvrld Studios Inc., whose objective is to bring people together in Virtual Reality (VR). Our exciting new VR application is VENU, allowing events professionals to host B2B or B2C trade shows, expositions, conferences, or events online in 3-D from Windows, Mac, or VR headset.

Nanette Jackson
Nanette Jackson
Venu AI

Patrick Nguyen

Software developer, technical and multiplatform support for Venu.

Patrick Nguyen
Patrick Nguyen
Venu AI