Peek into the latest YC batch in our new series, Founder FAQ

by Greg Kumparak8/9/2023

Title card reading "How I Got My First Customer"

There are a thousand stories behind every startup — each a stepping stone to something more. Stories of chance encounters that brought co-founders together. The happiness of landing the first customer; the sadness of realizing one idea might not work; the excitement of realizing an even bigger possibility had been staring right at them.

Our newest video series, Founder FAQ, aims to scratch the surface on some of these stories for the latest YC companies. It’ll also give you a pre-Demo Day peek at the ongoing YC batch, and introduce you to some of the incredibly talented founders going through YC right now.

Each episode of Founder FAQ will ask these founders a different question. We’ve got two of those questions/episodes ready for you now: How'd you meet your co-founder? and How'd you find your first customer?

Episode One:

Episode Two:

Because YC is back in person, we were able to record these episodes during the YC Summer 2023 Batch retreat, where all of the S23 teams gathered together face-to-face for the first time. Want to be at the next one? Apply to YC here.

Be on the lookout for more episodes of Founder FAQ soon.




  • Greg Kumparak

    Greg oversees editorial content at Y Combinator. He was previously an editor at TechCrunch for nearly 15 years.