

AI-powered expense management platform for businesses in the Middle…

Alaan is an AI-powered expense management platform for businesses in the Middle East. We help businesses instantly issue corporate cards for employees, control their spending, and automate receipts. Our mission is to simplify finance for businesses in the Middle East and help them prosper. We have grown rapidly and now work with over 500 startups, mid-market, and enterprise customers across various industries, doing tens of millions of dollars in payment volume. We've been default alive since our launch in August 2022 (9x net revenue growth in 2023, 6x in 2024). Check out alaan.com/careers if you want to join us!
Jobs at Alaan
Riyadh, Riyadh Province, SA
$47.9K - $63.9K
1+ years
Bengaluru, KA, IN
₹3.2M - ₹4M INR
3+ years
GE / UZ / AZ / Remote (GE; UZ; AZ)
$10K - $15K
1+ years
Bengaluru, KA, IN
₹1M - ₹1.8M INR
1+ years
Team Size:72
Location:Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Group Partner:Michael Seibel
Active Founders

Parthi Duraisamy, Founder

Parthi is an Electrical Engineer but has worn many hats – a farmer, an engineer, tech @ investment banking, and a McKinsey consultant. He graduated from the National University of Singapore and has an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Loves skiing!
Parthi Duraisamy
Parthi Duraisamy

Karun Kurien, Founder

Karun started his career as a software engineer and then spent a few years consulting with McKinsey Digital. Most recently, he has focussed on building products for startups. He now leads product and tech. at Alaan.
Karun Kurien
Karun Kurien

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