

The fastest way to screen deals & aggregate investment data.

Benchmark is the fastest way to screen deals & analyze investment data. Benchmark efficiently extracts, organizes, and summarizes key information from any data source in seconds, while automatically building a proprietary comp database. With Benchmark, decision makers can capitalize on opportunities with unmatched speed and precision. Visit https://withbenchmark.com to accelerate your investment process today.

Jobs at Benchmark

New York, NY, US
$120K - $180K
0.50% - 2.00%
3+ years
Team Size:3
Location:New York
Group Partner:Jared Friedman

Active Founders

Alec Dunn

Alec spent 5+ years working for one of the largest real estate investors in the world and is now on a mission to change how private market investors utilize their data.

Alec Dunn
Alec Dunn

Connor Janson

Connor Janson
Connor Janson

Josh Kerber

Josh Kerber
Josh Kerber

Company Launches

TL;DR: Benchmark is the fastest way to screen deals & analyze investment data. Benchmark efficiently extracts, organizes, and summarizes key information from any data source in seconds while automatically building a proprietary comp database. With Benchmark, decision-makers can capitalize on opportunities with unmatched speed and precision. Visit https://withbenchmark.com to accelerate your investment process today.

Hey YC! We are Alec, Connor, and Josh, the co-founders of Benchmark. We are on a mission to change how private market investors screen investment opportunities and utilize data.

❌ The Problem:

Investment teams spend thousands of hours each year reviewing investment opportunities that die. When deals die, all of the precious data and context that was painstakingly collected is lost in old email chains and folders. This data is a gold mine for investment firms but is currently neglected. As a result, investment teams spend way too much time focusing on low-probability opportunities, digging through old files for comps, and redoing old analyses.

✅ Our Solution:

Benchmark automatically extracts, normalizes, and summarizes deal data from any data source. Allowing investment teams to quickly screen deals, answer due diligence questions, build comps, and gather context. Benchmark’s single source of truth for deal data provides a huge competitive advantage for teams by minimizing the amount of time they spend on low-probability deals and building permanent institutional knowledge.

❓ How it Works:

  • Upload deal documents
    • Documents from any data source, whether internal or external, are securely parsed in minutes
  • Instantly screen your deal
    • Review deal summaries, key metrics, internal comps, due diligence question answers, and highlighted risks
  • Dive deeper into any area of interest with Q&A
    • Ask any question about the deal, and Benchmark will provide accurate answers with instantly verifiable sources, reasoning, and citations.
  • Retain and analyze all of your data
    • Upon upload, each file has key metrics extracted - transforming previously unstructured data into a structured database ready for any analysis

🙏 Asks:

  • Connect us (alec@withbenchmark.com) with Private Equity Funds, Institutional Real Estate Investors, Private Credit Funds, or other private market investors.
  • Test our product: We would love to have you test our product if you do any private market investing yourself!

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