

The AI-powered relationship intelligence platform for enterprise sales

Centralize is the AI-powered relationship intelligence platform for enterprise sales. We provide dynamic org charts that proactively identify key players, making cross-department multithreading effortless. Contact priorities update in real-time using AI-generated conversation insights from emails and calls. In-depth account planning becomes scalable and pipeline reviews now take minutes, giving the entire org a top-down view of the deal, hierarchy penetration, and the true state of conversations. The result? Deals qualified in half the time and win rates boosted by up to 56%.

Team Size:2
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Diana Hu

Active Founders

Rachit Kataria

Rachit is the co-founder and CEO of Centralize, the AI-powered customer intelligence dashboard for high touch B2B teams. Prior to Centralize, he was the product tech lead at AtoB (YC S20) and built the foundations of their partner-funded discounts and telematics fraud suite. Before that, he was a founding engineer on Facebook Shops and helped scale the product to tens of millions of MAUs. He's originally from the Bay Area and received a BS / MS in CS from the University of Southern California.

Rachit Kataria
Rachit Kataria

Will Wang

Will is the co-founder and CTO of Centralize, the AI dashboard to unify and grok unstructured B2B customer data. Prior to Centralize, Will was the 1st engineer at Capture, where he set up the infra and built many foundational features across the stack. Before Capture, he was at Slack, where he helped build Huddles, Clips, Save For Later, and more. He's originally from the Bay Area and received a BS / MS in CS from the University of Southern California.

Company Launches

đŸ‘‹đŸŒ Hey everyone! We’re Rachit and Will, the founders of Centralize.

tl;dr: Centralize is the new way for pre and post-sales teams to fully understand their customers, in one place. We’re the missing revenue tool that B2B companies use to win more deals, upsell customers, and eliminate churn.



Every SaaS company has a revenue problem. Budgets are tightening, which means new deals are harder to close and existing customers are quicker to churn. Now, more than ever, Sales and Success teams need to deeply understand customer conversations across time, tools, and stakeholders.

Unfortunately, this is impossible at scale. All of that revenue-influencing data is hidden in a sea of CRM fields, call transcripts, notes, emails, and tickets. For even the best teams, getting visibility across data silos, sifting through text for hours, and connecting the dots is a herculean task.

The result?

Sales reps can’t reference relevant customer stories during prospect calls to seal the deal. They get bottlenecked internally, hoping Success has the answers. CSMs don’t have the full picture of the customer journey either and can’t maximize upsell and renewal outcomes.

❌ Slower qualification, stalled pipeline, dropped deals, and more churn ❌


Centralize is the first customer intelligence platform that helps B2B revenue teams tell the right story, every time. We automatically centralize (😉) and analyze touch points across high-touch accounts, creating the perfect “customer brain”.

Sales gets a ranked list of reference customers ahead of any prospect call. They get in-context insights about use cases and solutions that can be used to craft a personalized narrative. Reps, new or experienced, always come across as empathetic experts and win more deals.

Success gets a real-time customer dashboard to understand accounts at a glance. Leadership and ICs can go deeper with instant, self-serve answers to any customer question. Renewals, reporting, and QBRs become a breeze when you know exactly what’s happening on the ground.

The result?

✅ Qualify 10x faster, boost lead to opportunity conversion rates, win more deals, drive upsells, and eliminate churn ✅


Rachit Kataria and Will Wang met their first week of freshman year at USC (fight on âœŒđŸœ) and have been friends for almost a decade.

Rachit was a founding engineer on Facebook Shops and helped scale it to 250M MAUs. He left to tech lead product engineering at AtoB (S20) where he built the foundations of fuel card fraud detection. Will prototyped and led the launch of Huddles, the fastest growing product in Slack history. He left to build the future of personal productivity at Capture (W19).

They know that it pays to be customer-obsessed and they’re on a mission to make that incredibly easy for every B2B company.


Your revenue teams need to understand customer context to move the needle, and we’re here to help!

If you know any sales or success leaders who could benefit from Centralize, please send them our way.

If you are one, we’d love to chat! Book a demo or reach out to us at founders@usecentralize.com 😊