SiPhox Health

SiPhox Health

Wearable and At-Home protein monitoring with silicon photonic chips

We are developing a new paradigm for consumer health tech wearables by replacing a 100lb optical instrument with an area of silicon smaller than a postage stamp.

Jobs at SiPhox Health

Boston, MA, US
3+ years
Burlington, MA, US
$20 - $28
Sophomore and above
Boston, MA, US / Remote (US)
$50K - $100K
Any (new grads ok)
SiPhox Health
Team Size:25
Location:Burlington, MA

Active Founders

Michael Dubrovsky

I'm a serial entrepreneur interested in challenging myself and changing the world with nanotechnology.

Michael Dubrovsky
Michael Dubrovsky
SiPhox Health

Diedrik Vermeulen

Diedrik is one of the founders of SiPhox and serves as its Chief Executive Officer. Diedrik brings to SiPhox extensive expertise and experience in the development of optical systems on a chip. Prior to joining SiPhox, Diedrik was the director of engineering at Analog Photonics and a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Diedrik has 28 patents and 108 publications and is recognized as the world expert in optical fiber, free-space and chip-to-chip coupling.

Diedrik Vermeulen
Diedrik Vermeulen
SiPhox Health

Company Launches

SiPhox is building at-home blood testing hardware using silicon photonic chips. Our hardware product is currently in development and we plan to start beta testing it in users’ homes in 2023. (Watch Lab Tour).

The average American lifespan has plateaued over the last 2 decades:

We believe that every human is unique. Biomarker tracking is required to know whether a particular lifestyle or health intervention is working. At scale, we envision that frequent population biomarker tracking will enable humans to live longer and healthier lives.

To enable this future, our team is working to decrease the cost of at-home testing by 10x and make results available immediately.

SiPhox just launched Quantify, an at-home test kit service that enables users to track 17 health tests ($95/test) 🩸 + sleep, activity, and heart rate data from your wearable device ⌚ in a single dashboard. JOIN QUANTIFY (10% off)

About Quantify

  • Quantify was created to empower individuals to take control of their health journey.
  • Quantify is a simple, convenient, low-cost, and comprehensive way to track your health and minimize chronic disease risk.
  • We measure inflammation, metabolic fitness, hormonal + nutritional balance, and cardiovascular health. These are shown in a comprehensive, easy-to-understand wellness dashboard (sample dashboard) with personalized insights so you can track and improve over time.
  • For now, all the tests are done via mail-in, self-collected samples at a gold standard CLIA-certified lab, SiPhox hardware will be phased in next year.
  • Over the last 3 months, our alpha users discovered and improved things like low Vit. D, high inflammation (hsCRP), low Testosterone, High ApoB/LDL cholesterol, high fasting Insulin, poor sleep, and more.
  • We want this sort of tracking to be broadly accessible to those that can’t afford concierge medicine. At $95/kit for the monthly membership (before discount) we set the lowest price on the market (compare to $250 for Insidetracker InnerAge 2.0).
  • Use this link for a 10% discount on your first 3 test kits: JOIN QUANTIFY

How it works ⚙️

  1. Subscribe to Quantify
  2. (optional) Connect your wearable devices (8sleep, Fitbit, Whoop, Oura, etc.)
  3. Receive an at-home collection kit to self-collect a blood sample (see picture above)
  4. Join our weekly webinar for a guided self-collection if you have never done it before. You will be a pro in 10 minutes 🙂
  5. Mail in your sample (USPS pickup) and view the results in your intuitive wellness dashboard (sample dashboard)
  6. Receive customized insights based on your blood biomarker and wearable data
  7. Do your own experiments (diet, supplements, exercise, biohacking, etc.)
  8. Test again and track your results over time
  9. Compare your scores against Quantify user averages

Get in touch ✉️

  1. Feel free to contact us at hello@getquantify.io with any questions or suggestions about the service
  2. If you are interested in integrating Quantify into your product offering, please get in touch via info@siphox.com