

Read and write research papers faster.

Unriddle is a research assistant that helps academics quickly find insights in scientific literature so they can write papers faster. We’re using language models to offload rote research tasks, speeding up the research process and freeing up more human capacity for higher reasoning and insight. Since launching a year ago, we’ve grown to over 1,000,000 users. And we’re proud to power research teams at top orgs like Roche Pharmaceutical, Stanford University, GSK, Johns Hopkins and MIT.

Jobs at Unriddle

San Francisco, CA, US / Remote (US)
$120K - $180K
0.25% - 2.00%
3+ years
San Francisco, CA, US / Remote (US)
$70K - $100K
0.25% - 1.00%
Any (new grads ok)
Team Size:2
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Tom Blomfield

Active Founders

Naveed Janmohamed

Founder of Unriddle, a tool to help academics read and write research papers faster. Before Unriddle: HCI research @ University College London, product design @ EY + Capgemini.

Naveed Janmohamed
Naveed Janmohamed