Ask a Female Engineer: How Can Managers Help Retain Technical Women on Their Team?
by Cadran Cowansage3/27/2017
I’m the moderator for our Ask A Female Engineer series, and a female engineer onthe software team at YC. In the ongoing conversation about women in tech, wehear a lot about women leaving companies and even the industry as a whole, so wedecided to ask a group of female engineers what reasons haveprompted them to leave companies in the past, or what might motivate them tomove out of a technical role.
Ask a Female Engineer: Employees with Kids and Relationships at Work
by Cadran Cowansage10/27/2016
We’ve recruited a group of female engineers with years of industry experience totry an experiment with us called “Ask A Female Engineer.”Read our first post tolearn more about the series. We recognize that the opinions of a few people byno means represent the opinions or experiences of all women who code.
Ask a Female Engineer: Interviewing + Company Culture
by Cadran Cowansage10/6/2016
We’ve recruited a group of female engineers with years of industry experience totry an experiment with us called “Ask A Female Engineer.”Read our first post tolearn more about the series. We recognize that the opinions of a few people byno means represent the opinions or experiences of all women who code.
Ask a Female Engineer: Joining a Startup
by Cadran Cowansage9/21/2016
We’ve recruited a group of female engineers with years of industry experience totry an experiment with us called “Ask A Female Engineer.”Read our first post tolearn more about the series. We recognize that the opinions of a few people byno means represent the opinions or experiences of all women who code.
Introducing Ask a Female Engineer
by Cadran Cowansage9/8/2016
We’ve recruited a group of female engineers with years of industry experience totry an experiment with us called “Ask A Female Engineer.”There has been an active discourse around women in tech over the last few years.It can sometimes be frustrating, though, because not everyone who has somethingto say feels comfortable participating in the (often excessively polarized)conversation.