

Find the best leads to sell to

With Firebender, you can qualify any company using natural language over scraped websites, job listings, linkedin posts, and more. Ask questions like “Does this company use large language models?”, “Does this company need SOC 2 compliance?”, “What types of clinic patients does this company serve?”. Then export this list of qualified leads as a CSV to use with your favorite outbound tool.

Team Size:2
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Gustaf Alstromer

Active Founders

Aman Gottumukkala

Aman is the CEO of Firebender, an AI B2B lead generation tool where users can find leads using natural language qualifications. Before Firebender Aman was a 2020 Kleiner Perkins Eng fellow and the 3rd engineer at Paradigm, where he built trading and internal data infrastructure from scratch, automated Ethereum derivative trading strategies yielding 20%, and published novel zero-knowledge cryptography research. In college, he interned at Google, Instagram, Twitch, and Microsoft.

Aman Gottumukkala
Aman Gottumukkala

Kevin Tang

Previously, Kevin was a software engineer at Two Sigma where he architected and built service infrastructure for modeling, trading, and engineering teams (scale ~10K CPUs, ~1PB RAM). Kevin learned to program by creating Roblox games, one game had 2,000 concurrent players and featured on the front page. He loves to tinker, play around with software/tools, and enjoys talking with other founders. Feel free to reach out!

Kevin Tang
Kevin Tang

Company Launches

Hey everyone 👋 We’re Aman and Kevin from Firebender and we help sales teams and founders discover the best leads using AI.


  • Qualify every venture-backed company using natural language over scraped websites, job listings, LinkedIn posts, and more to discover the best leads to sell to.
  • Try it for free at https://firebender.com and please give us feedback!

❌ Problem: Noisy Leads Lists

Existing lead gen tools like Apollo and Crunchbase only offer basic filtering options (e.g. employee count and industry tags) which results in a surplus of irrelevant leads.

This requires sales teams and founders to spend hours a day manually qualifying companies by researching websites, job postings, and Linkedin, forcing them to miss out on great leads and wasting effort on bad leads.

🔥 Our Solution: Firebender

Firebender eliminates noisy lead lists and days of researching by automatically qualifying thousands of companies in seconds. You can run any natural language query for any company to find deeper insights and qualify leads.

Ask questions like:

  • “Does this company use large language models?”
  • “Does this company need SOC 2 compliance?”
  • “What types of clinic patients does this company serve?”

👊 Firebender In Action

One of our Series D customers was able to find 1000s of companies that have an FAQ on their website, have a support team of at least 10 employees, and are consumer-facing.

They also generated and exported the emails and LinkedIn profiles of key executive decision-makers to start a conversation with!

🙏 Our Ask

  • Try our product for free at firebender.com!
  • Lead generation problems! We’re always adding new features like companies, contacts, and buying intent and would love to hear about the unique lead generation problems you face
  • Tell people about Firebender! Know someone unsatisfied with their lead gen process? Tell your friends, we can help 😉

For anything else, contact me at aman@firebender.com