

Automated security and compliance without security theater

Oneleet provides a full-coverage cybersecurity platform through which companies can build, manage, and monitor their cybersecurity management program. The company's core product offers a roadmap for companies to become secure and build trust with their partners. The founder behind Oneleet has spent the past 10+ years helping companies become more secure by performing penetration tests.

Jobs at Oneleet

US / Remote (US)
$80K - $120K
Any (new grads ok)
US / Remote (US)
$80K - $140K
0.05% - 0.40%
3+ years
US / Remote (US)
$40K - $100K
0.01% - 0.05%
3+ years
Remote (US)
$80K - $160K
Any (new grads ok)
US / Remote (US)
$60K - $85K
3+ years
Team Size:22
Location:Amsterdam, Netherlands
Group Partner:Nicolas Dessaigne

Active Founders

Bryan Onel

Penetration Tester with 10+ years of experience helping companies become more secure by simulating advanced attacks. Has experience leading security teams and architecting offensive and defensive security solutions. Before pursuing a career in hacking, Bryan studied AI and Medicine.

Bryan Onel
Bryan Onel

Ora Onel

I have a background in medical genetics. I developed a passion for cybersecurity and decided to start a security company together with my husband.

Ora Onel
Ora Onel

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YC Sign Photo

Company Photo

Company Photo