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YC Research: Universal Healthcare

by Sam Altman2/7/2017

Four years ago, Watsi became YC’s first non-profit. They’vesince raised over $7.5 million to fund life-changing healthcare for more than10,000 patients in 24 countries.Today, we’re excited to announce that YC Research is funding Watsi for a projectthat will study using technology to improve the quality and reduce the cost ofhealthcare.

New Cities

by Adora Cheung6/27/2016

We want to study building new, better cities. The world is full of people whoaren’t realizing their potential in large part because their cities don’tprovide the opportunities and living conditions necessary for success. A highleverage way to improve our world is to unleash this massive potential by makingbetter cities. It’s more important than ever to think about how to do this. Theneed for new supply continues to increase significantly 1[https://jobs.lever.

Moving Forward on Basic Income

by Sam Altman5/31/2016

We have a few updates we want to share on our Basic Income Project:Our Research DirectorElizabeth Rhodes is joining Basic Income Project as our Research Director. Sherecently completed a joint PhD in Social Work and Political Science at theUniversity of Michigan, where her research focused on health and educationprovision in slum communities in Nairobi.


by Sam Altman5/11/2016

We’re excited to announce YC Research’s newest project: the Human AdvancementResearch Community (HARC). This came out of a conversation that started between Alan Kay and me more than ayear ago about how to invent future computing technologies; I’m delighted tofinally be officially working with him and his group.  He is one of the smartestpeople I’ve ever met.

Basic Income

by Sam Altman1/27/2016

We’re going to try something new—our first Request For Research.We’d like to fund a study on basic income—i.e., giving people enough money tolive on with no strings attached.  I’ve been intrigued by the idea for a while,and although there’s been a lot of discussion, there’s fairly little data abouthow it would work.


by Y Combinator12/11/2015

The first group affiliated with YC Research is OpenAI. You can read more aboutit here .

YC Research

by Sam Altman10/7/2015

Updated on 6/5/20YC Research, now OpenResearch , and its portfolioof research projects are no longer affiliated with Y Combinator. YCR generatedimportant ideas and organizations, and we are proud to have helped them get upand running. They have, in fact, been operating independently for several years,and it has become clear that we are most helpful when working side by side withfounders and researchers as part of our batch program[https://www.ycombinator.